i spent an afternoon walking around the auschwitz and birkenau concentration/death camps, and it is a very heavy place. over 1.1 million people lost their lives here during the holocaust.
railroad terminus at birkenau. when the trains stopped here nazis would determine who would live (for awhile), or die. the nazis built birkenau when they determined that the auschwitz death camp wasn’t large enough.toilet facilities at birkenaubunks at birkenaubirkenau death campremains of one of multiple gas chambers, birkenauremains of one of multiple gas chambers, birkenautrain car that transported victims, birkenaubirkenau guardtowerbirkenau death campbirkenau death campauschwitz death camp, polandauschwitz death campbook of names of the deceased, auschwitz death campwalls of pictures of some of the deceasedmany of the barrack buildings contain holocaust memorial exhibits prepared by countries around europe. auschwitz death campauschwitz death campauschwitz death campglasses of the deceased, auschwitz death campkitchenware belonging to the deceased, auschwitz death campluggage belonging to the deceased, auschwitz death campshoes belonging to the deceased, auschwitz death camp. there is a powerful exhibit of hair from the deceased as well, but no pictures there out of respect.death gas canisters, auschwitz death campgas chamber, auschwitz death camp. there is hebrew writing still visible on the walls. heartbreaking.gas chamber, auschwitz death campauschwitz death camp